Boil the kettle for the vegetable stock, while that is boiling chop the onion into a small dice, remove fat from the bacon and cut into small pieces and also dice the chicken.
Cook the spaghetti as per instructions on the pack.
Heat a large frying pan, add a few sprays of frylight. Fry the onions, chicken and bacon and cook until slightly brown.
Measure out 300ml of hot water, add the chicken stock cube and stir until combined. Once combined, add the stock to the chicken, bacon and onions mix. And leave to reduce by half.
While the stock is reducing, in a bowl whisk the eggs, black pepper, Philadelphia and mustard (optional) and set aside.
Drain the cooked pasta and potion out into two bowls.
Remove the chicken pan from the heat, slowly add the egg mixture and stir well.
N.B Do not do this on the heat otherwise you'll end up with scrambled egg!!
Add the chicken mixture on top of the pasta and enjoy.