Slow Cooker Whole Roast Chicken - FEATURE

The slow cooker is back and with another recipe to help make life a little bit easier, not only can you cook stews and casseroles, but you can also cook a whole roast chicken.

Now cooking a whole roast chicken in the slow cooker can be done, it is very simple, so simple in, if you have a busy day but plan on making a nice roast, this will give you the best results for a seriously juicy roast chicken. I will be honest, there is one drawback from cooking the chicken in a slow cooker, the drawback is no crispy skin. But that can easily be remedied. Once the chicken is cooked, place it on a baking tray and grill for 3 minutes, this will then crisp up the skin. If you are not a skin person (like me), then this won’t matter to you at all.

Slow Cooker Roast Chicken Recipe

Slow Cooker Whole Roast Chicken

Why not Slow Cooker your roast chicken? If you want the perfectly cooked, juicy, tasty roast, this has to be on your radar.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 5 minutes
Course Dinner, Main Course, Main Dish
Cuisine Dinner
Servings 4 People


  • 1 Whole Roast Chicken
  • Tinfoil


  • Using the tinfoil, make 4 small tennis ball sized balls. Place the tin foil balls in the bottom of the slow cooker.
  • Place the whole chicken on top of the tinfoil balls. The balls act like a trivet to keep the chicken from the bottom of the slow cooker. This is to allow the chicken to cook and not be sat in all the juice.
  • OPTIONAL EXTRA (1) You can sprinkle some herbs or even an chicken stock cube over the top of the chicken, this does increase the flavour of the chicken.
  • OPTIONAL EXTRA (2) The liquid left over in the bottom of the slow cooker, once the chicken is cooked. I have to be honest, this is gold, this one of the best tasting chicken broths, you can use it for other meals. All you need to do is pop it into an air tight container and keep it in the fridge or pop it into the freezer and keep it for when it’s needed.
Keyword Chicken, Crockpot, Dinner, One Pot, Slimming World, Slow Cooker

Let me know if you have tried any other slow cooker recipes or roasted anything else in your slow cooker.

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