I love soup. It’s healthy, low-calorie and low in syns. It doesn’t matter what diet plan or lifestyle choice you pick, soup is the option. It’s versatile, it’s easy to make and even more so with a soup maker! I used to think having a soup maker was super niche and hardly anyone was making soup maker soups, but I was wrong. There’s a whole community of soup lovers and I’m proud to say I’m one of them.
I’ve made loads of soups with my soup maker, I can’t get enough of it. It’s easy to use and it makes the whole soup making process a lot easier. You can check some of the recipes I’ve made below. If you have any soup suggestions I’d love to hear them. They’re great for losing weight as well and you can pair any soup with rolls or some tasty bread, what’s not to like?
I like to use my Morphy Richards soup maker when I’m making soup recipes. I’ve had it for over 5 years now and it’s never let me down. If you’re looking for a piece of kitchen equipment that’s going to last longer than most household devices, this is one of them.
Soup Maker Soup Recipes
Dairy-Free Turkey Soup Recipe
Looking to use leftover turkey at Christmas or just fancy turkey and Christmas be dammed? Well, I’ve got an amazing soup recipe to do just that. This turkey soup recipe is full of flavour and easy to make in the soup maker. Yes, you can do it on the hob but it will take twice the time and nobody wants that.
It’s a soup recipe I always make in winter, it warms the soul and the body. It’s also rather healthy and low in calories which is something I love. Nobody wants to eat good food and put on weight, do they? If you try it out, let me know what you think.
Red Pepper and Sweet Potato Soup
Yum! This has to be one of my favourite soup recipes. It’s full of flavour and it’s vegetarian as well. I love vegetarian soup, don’t you? It’s nice on its own but it’s also nice to add some spices to it, with a little kick you can be sure this soup is going to keep you warm.
This post has thousands of hits per month so it’s got to be nice right? If you’ve tried it I’d love to know what you think about it and if you did anything different with it.
Healthy Low-Calorie Cauliflower Soup Recipe
This cauliflower soup recipe is super yummy. I find a lot of people don’t like cauliflower because it’s a little bland but once you make it you’ll see it’s the total opposite. As a soup maker soup recipe, it’s one of the easiest to make, you can add whatever spices or flavours you want and give it a real kick, depending on who it’s for of course.
This soup recipe, in my opinion, is best made in the autumn months. It warms you up and it’s the right kind of soup to eat if you’re the type of person that loves watching the leaves fall from the trees. Let me know if you enjoy this soup and if you changed any of the ingredients.
Tomato Soup Recipe
I am in love with this classic tomato soup recipe. I’m sure 90% of the world’s population has had tomato soup at some point and this one tastes delicious. It’s a simple and straight forward soup maker soup recipe and its preparation is less than most of the other soups that I have on this list.
I know some people like to add paprika or chilli into their tomato soup, it sounds nice but not something I would try. This soup warms me up on a cold December night and I don’t think I’d want my mouth on fire afterwards. This soup is low in calories and syns so great for any diet plan.
Healthy Swede Soup Recipe
I’ll say it, most of the time I hate Swede. I don’t like it with a roast and I’m not a fan of it in casseroles. However, this Swede soup recipe is quite nice. You can add different herbs to it so it tastes a lot better. Even my partner loves this swede soup maker soup recipe and he hates swede as much as I do.
If you’re looking for a family favourite in terms of soup, I’d say this is it. It’ll be a hit with everyone who tries it and if not it doesn’t take a lot of time to make so you’ve not wasted your entire evening trying something new!
Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup
I love cooking with butternut squash although at the start of the year, you’ll be finding it difficult to get any in most supermarkets. They are sold mainly towards the end of the year which means this is a classic winter recipe in my eyes. You can also look at growing your own butternut squash as home if you have the space in the garden.
This soup maker soup recipe is so yummy but I wish I could make it all year round. Let me know what you think and if you’ve made it, do you crave it in summer or are you happy that it’s a winter treat? As far as soup recipes go, this is one of my best but I’m sure I say that about all of them because they all taste fantastic!
Potato and Leek Soup Recipe
I used to eat potato and leek soup all the time when I was younger, it mostly came in a tin can mind you but it still tasted amazing. Now that I’m older I can make it myself and from scratch and personally, I think it tastes even better.
Personally, you don’t need to add much to this recipe to make it delicious as it already is. It’s dairy free but if you want to add cheese or milk you can, or add a dairy free alternative that you like to normally use. With this soup maker soup recipe the world as they say is your oyster.
Easy Cauliflower Cheese Soup Recipe
I’m in love with this soup maker cauliflower cheese soup recipe. It’s delicious and super easy to make. It’s one of my favourite soups even though it’s a little naughty with the cheese thrown in there. You don’t have to put loads of cheese in there if you don’t want to but it does make it yummy.
Take a look at this cauliflower soup recipe and if you make it, let me know what you think. As I mentioned before, this recipe is super easy in the soup maker!
Moroccan Chickpea Soup Recipe
If you’re looking for a soup maker soup recipe that has a kick to it, this soup maker Moroccan chickpea soup is one you need to try. I know a lot of people are bored of soups that are just packed with herbs, so why not try this soup which has a little kick to it?
Let me know if you make this Moroccan chickpea soup recipe and if you did anything different to it. If you want a fun soup maker soup recipe, this is one you must try.
Mixed Vegetable Soup Recipe
This vegetable soup recipe is the perfect soup to make in the soup maker. Most of the time the soup maker is set to blitz everything up, this time you’re pressing the chunky button instead. This recipe is super low-calorie and still tastes amazing.
It’s a perfect soup maker soup recipe to make on a cold night, it’ll fill you up, keep you warm and it’s super easy to make. Go ahead and try it. Let me know what you think if you do.
Carrot And Ginger Soup Recipe
I love this carrot and ginger soup recipe. It’s a great soup maker recipe and if you like ginger you’re going to love this recipe. I know ginger isn’t for everyone though so maybe think about putting less in if you have fussy people to cook for.
I’d love to know if you made this soup maker carrot soup recipe. It’s so easy to do and of course, we all know that using a soup maker makes the process of obtaining soup so much easier!
Air Fryer Croutons Recipe
If you’re looking to pair your soups with something a little different and not just a bread roll, you should make these homemade croutons. Simple to make and full of flavour, any flavour you want as well so the air fryers the limit as they say.
Soup Maker Soup List
I hope you found some of these soups and have made them. Let me know in the comments what soups are your favourites and if there are any soups you think I should make and add to this list, although we don’t want it too long or you’ll be making soup for days!